Monster M*A*S*H

"Change of Command" was the 75th episode of the M*A*S*H television series, and, also the third episode of the fourth season of the series. Written by Jim Fritzell and Everett Greenbaum, and directed by Gene Reynolds, it first aired on September 19, 1975, with a repeat on March 9, 1976.


Hawkeye and B.J. are overjoyed when they hear that the Frank is out as commander of the 4077th, but their euphoria turns to worry when they find out their new boss, a Colonel, is regular army.

Full episode summary[]

Frank is reveling in his new role as commander of the 4077th and is set on making the unit more strict militarily as opposed to Blake's lax command. He has already posted a myriad of new regulations and is ready to post yet another one when he calls for Radar, but Radar has left to distribute the mail.

In the Swamp, Hawkeye and B.J. build a bar where Frank's bunk used to be; after Hawkeye mentions that Henry would have loved it and that he misses him, B.J. suggests they call it the "Henry Blake Memorial Bar," to which Hawkeye agrees.

Radar is their first customer, but he has a different kind of order: the 4077th is getting a new commander. Hawkeye and B.J. are happy to hear that Frank is out, but they become troubled when they find out that the new CO is a career army man and military doctor whom Hawkeye assumes "will have people bleeding by the numbers," and must be a loser to be dumped at a M*A*S*H. When they ask Radar how well Frank took the news, Radar reveals he has not yet told him because he is afraid that Frank will punch him, so Hawkeye and B.J. accompany Radar to deliver the news to Frank, who is in the Mess Tent. Margaret is outraged, but to everyone's surprise, Frank takes the news in stride and goes to prepare for the new commander. He and Margaret go to her tent, but once inside, he throws a childish tantrum. He later moves his belongings back into the Swamp, including his “personal papers” during his brief tenure in command.

The new commander, Colonel Sherman Potter, arrives in camp, finding Radar sunning himself outside the office. Potter turns out to be completely different from Henry – he seemingly has no sense of humor and is all business. Radar is immediately skittish around him, as the two survey the Commanding Officer's office, and Potter starts re-organizing it. Radar claims Blake worked better with the office as it is, but Potter insists the office is not Blake's anymore, but his. Klinger then barges in suddenly - dressed to the hilt in earrings, a tiara, and a gold gown - and introduces himself to the new Colonel by listing several of his crazy tendencies, but Potter is not fooled. He remarks that he's seen every dodge trick in the book, and mentions a few of the more impressive ones, like a soldier who claimed to be a horse, and another claimed to be a flower, and they took said claims to impressive extremes. Thus, Potter orders Klinger "out of that frou-frou" and permanently into uniform.

Potter then calls a meeting of all his officers, and everyone reports except Frank. Potter reviews Father Mulcahy and Margaret first and compliments their spotless records, but Hawkeye and B.J. both have sketchy records (thanks to Frank) which Potter is not pleased by. He then announces that for the next 18 months, everyone is to be on their best behavior and dismisses them. Outside the office, Margaret reveals to Hawkeye and B.J. that Frank was so upset over being ousted as commander that he ran off to sulk.

Later in the Swamp, Hawkeye and B.J. are hoping Potter does not take away their still when Klinger enters complaining of a rash from his uniform touching his skin. The doctors quickly deduce the rash is psychosomatic, and to Klinger's relief, Hawkeye tells Klinger to wear a slip under his uniform.

Wounded arrive, and as the Captains scrub, Radar fills them in on Potter's background: most of his latest duties have been in administration, and it has been two years since he last performed surgery. Hawkeye has Margaret keep an eye on the Colonel, but she is more concerned about Frank, who is still missing. Hawkeye and B.J. remind her of her own words, that he's off sulking and will come back when he gets hungry and tired.

After a routine operation, Potter soon proves his worth when he helps B.J. through a tricky operation. Afterwards, when B.J. compliments his work, Potter points out that B.J. did the rough part, and is pleased to know that even after two years behind a desk, he hasn't lost his surgical touch. B.J. mentions the time is 0330, and Potter mentions that he "could use a belt". Hearing this, Hawkeye and B.J. seize on the opportunity...

Meanwhile, Frank finally returns from his sulking. He sneaks to Margaret's tent, and though filthy and soaking wet, she welcomes him in. He complains about the darkness, how hungry he was, and how he was attacked by a dog who bit his duffel bag. Then, after getting Margaret's hopes up with sentimental talk (she thinks he's going to propose), he asks if she has any cookies (this scene is usually cut from syndicated airings).

Later in the Swamp, Hawkeye, B.J., and Potter bond while knocking down some gin from the still and singing the old WWI song "There's A Long, Long Trail A-Winding". Potter is impressed with the still and offers advice on how to get a better yield, and then tells about a still he built in Guam during WWII; one night the still exploded, and Potter was awarded a Purple Heart. Hawkeye and B.J. both laugh at the story, but Potter asks them to keep it to themselves. Hawkeye then initiates a discussion with Potter about Klinger.

The next day, Hawkeye and B.J., both wearing civilian shirts, are with Colonel Potter in his office as he shows them some pictures of horses he once owned. Radar announces Frank to the Colonel, who takes notice of the nasty bruise above Frank's left eye. After saying that "pain is no stranger to me", Frank then states that Potter can count on him as second-in-command to maintain the camp's military discipline and efficiency, which he takes credit for. Klinger then enters Potter's office with his bridle. When Potter compliments Klinger on his outfit (a white dress and matching hat from the Shirley Temple collection), a pleasantly surprised Klinger thanks him and leaves, leaving Frank quietly dumbfounded as Hawkeye and B.J. start chortling.

Research notes/Fun facts[]

  • Colonel Sherman Potter takes over command of the 4077th in this episode. His middle initial "T" is not yet established.
  • In the previous episode, the announcer gave the date of Potter's arrival as September 19, 1952 (he actually says "19 September, 1952"). This episode was shown September 19, 1975.
  • In the scene where a shirtless Radar greets Col. Potter for the first time, note Radar hiding his left hand in his armpit (he plays it off well as an attempt to cover up his "nakedidity"). This is one of many instances in the series where Gary Burghoff took great pains to conceal his partially deformed left hand. 
  • In the mess tent, Frank calls Igor "Sergeant," but in all other episodes, he is a private. Jeff Maxwell, playing Igor, has several lines but is uncredited.
  • During Potter's conversation with Klinger, he mentions having seen every dodge in the book, including a man who said he was a mare and carried a colt in his arms for weeks, and a man that insisted he was a daisy and who demanded to be watered every day.
  • When Potter meets Hawkeye and B.J., he recites their misdemeanors: setting fire to the officers' latrine [accident]; Hawkeye having a chopper pilot fly in a chicken as a "patient" [the mention of this incident is usually cut out of syndicated airings]; and Hawkeye's theft of a steam shovel in Tokyo [he couldn't get a cab].
  • Potter implies that he has 18 months to go in his service before he retires. If this episode takes place in September 1952, this means he would be scheduled to retire in February 1954.
  • Potter's age and backstory is retconned frequently throughout the series. Here, he claims to have been 15 when he joined the army to participate in WWI in (presumably) 1917; this would place his birth year circa 1902, and make him about 50 years old in 1952. Later episodes have him being born much earlier.
  • Potter claims he received a Purple Heart when he was wounded when his still blew up in Guam in World War II. In a continuity error in a later episode, he claims he was in the Battle of the Bulge, which took place in Europe during 1944. These were two different theaters of war, half a world apart, in a time where arranging transportation between the two would have been extremely challenging, if not impossible - the likelihood of anyone being at both locations during the same war is far beyond remote.
  • Potter also claims he was awarded the Good Conduct medal while an enlisted man, noting that only enlisted men are eligible for it, and neither Generals Douglas MacArthur nor Omar Bradley have one. While it is true that the medal is only available to enlisted men, the U.S. Army Good Conduct medal was only established in 1941 - long after Potter became an officer.
  • The scene where Frank finally returns to camp from sulking, and asks Margaret if she has any cookies, is often omitted from syndicated airings of the episode; it is difficult to tell if Frank had the bruise over his left eye when he returned to camp, and one could come to the conclusion that when he first reported to Potter, the bruise could have been caused by Margaret.
  • The length of time Frank Burns was in command after Henry Blake's death is not made clear in this episode. In the later episode "The Bus", B.J. remarks that Frank was in command for a week, but while Frank's command tenure was unquestionably brief, B.J. was almost certainly speaking figuratively rather than literally.
  • It is never shown whether Frank is reprimanded or even questioned by Potter about his absence from the officers' meeting, or about his missing the extended session in the OR (at least, not in front of the other officers).
  • This is the first episode to not mention Trapper in any way after his discharge. He was previously mentioned in the 2-part "Welcome To Korea" that opened up the season.
  • This is the 75th episode to be broadcasted, and it aired in 1975.
  • During the scene where Potter is sharing his first drink with Hawkeye and B.J. in the Swamp, B.J. is wearing the sweater Hawkeye's sister made for him in an earlier season.

Guest stars/Recurring cast[]
