Frank Hicks is a character who appears in the episode of M*A*S*H titled "Follies of the Living-Concerns of the Dead" in Season 10 (episode #10). The part of Frank Hicks is played in the episode by Randal Patrick.
About Frank Hicks[]
Frank Hicks is a buddy of Private Jimmy Weston. They were both injured in the same action and rushed to the 4077th. Weston was dead on arrival or died soon after arrival. Hicks was rushed into O.R. His injuries were so extensive that it required three surgeons, Hawkeye, Winchester and Potter working together to save him.
When Hicks wakes up after the operation, he asks about Weston and is distraught when Potter tells him that Weston had died. Hicks cannot understand why good people like Weston had to die. Colonel Potter and Father Mulcahy try to console him but he doesn't feel any better.
Later, Hicks decides to write a letter to Weston's family. He tells them how much Weston had loved his family and how much Weston's fellow soldiers loved him. Weston would read comics and speak in funny comic voices to his mates. Later, when out on patrol and his squad mates were feeling frightened, Weston would speak to them in the funny voices and this would lift their spirits. Hicks said in his letter that he considered this the greatest gift of all. Hicks did not know it, but in writing a letter to Weston's family, he was doing something which the dead soldier wanted very much. The ghost of Weston had tried to make this request to Potter but, of course, Potter could not hear him.
Hicks' rank is not stated in the credits but, being a buddy of Weston, he was probably a Private as well.