Lt. Chong Wa-Park is a character who appears in the Season 11 episode of the CBS-TV series M*A*S*H titled "Foreign Affairs". The character is played in the episode by TV/film actor Byron Chung, who appeared in a total of six episodes, all in different roles.
About Chong-Wa[]
When Lt. Park, who's one of the OR patients, a North Korean soldier, arrives after bailing out of his fighter plane when the engine caught afire, he has to endure a bribery offer by Major Reddish, An Army Public Relations man who General Clark's assistant chief of Public Information, to become a turncoat and come to America as a way to "sell" the war to the people back home. Chong-Wa, the North Korean fighter pilot in question, refuses to take Reddish's offer, Reddish, who is doggedly starving for the PR scheme to work, even trying to bribe Park with a new suit, a big money prize and a ticker tape parade in the states upon arrival, won't take no for an answer. When Chong-Wa talks with the South Korean Army PR representative named Joon-Sung (Soon-Tek Oh), whom, himself, wouldn't mind the opportunity to move to the U.S., he tells Reddish through Joon-Sung as interpreter what exactly happened when he bailed out of his plane "just to save his own butt", and that he'd rather be taken as a POW, and that the US Army can "keep its money!"