Monster M*A*S*H

Memorable Quotes from M*A*S*H characters.

"A device is yet to be invented that will measure my indifference to this remark." -- Hawkeye

"This is Frank Burns, one of our best surgeons. A real killer." -- Henry

"Well, what's the slop du jour?" -- Hawkeye

"If you want a drink, sir, -- compliments Henry Blake -- brandy, scotch, vodka. And for your convenience, all in the same bottle." -- Radar

"The way I see it, the army owes us so many coffee breaks, we should get 1954 off." -- Hawkeye

"I am not so think as you drunk I am." -- Margaret

"Halloween in Korea -- bobbing for shrapnel." -- Hawkeye

"It's Frank's birthday, I wonder how old he is. Let's saw him in half tonight and count his rings." -- Hawkeye

"How would you like to donate a pint of blood through your nose?" -- Trapper

"It's the first time I've seen orange juice labeled "freshly killed"." -- Hawkeye

"It's 3 'blessed' a.m.! Even roosters are comatose!" -- Potter

"May the mother of your camels spit in your yogurt!" -- Klinger

"I've eaten a river of liver and an ocean of fish! I've eaten so much fish, I'm ready to grow gills! I've eaten so much liver, I can only make love if I'm smothered in bacon and onions." -- Hawkeye

"Insanity is just a state of mind." -- Hawkeye

"I've got a soft spot for Klinger. He looks a little like my son, and he dresses a lot like my wife." -- Potter

"I don't mind eating if it's possible to make a martini sandwich." -- Hawkeye

"Horse hockey" -- Potter

"Cow cookies "-- Potter

"He's got eyes in the back of his stethoscope." -- Hawkeye

"Beaver biscuits!" -- Potter

"Attention all personnel. Tonight's movie is a holdover from last week and will be shown right after supper, which is also a holdover from last week" -- PA

"This food is--disappointing." -- Father Mulcahy
