Monster M*A*S*H
Monster M*A*S*H

The iconic scene of the "running nurses" is the sixth scene in the M*A*S*H TV series opening sequence and shows a group of 5 nurses running towards the helipad to receive casualties arriving by chopper.

Throughout the series, changes in the various scenes were made but this one was retained until season 11. The running nurses were featured in every episode except for the pilot which had its own scene of running nurses.

The "running nurses" scene has been the subject of interest among M*A*S*H enthusiasts. Who were the running nurses? Did they show up in subsequent episodes?

According to,[1] the five nurses in the scene are:

  • Marcia Gelman - next to the right. She did appear in a few episodes. See Lieutenant Jacobs.
  • Lori Noel - to the right.
Runnig nurses-opening sequence

The "Running Nurses". From left to right: Gwen Farrell, Kathy Denny Fradella, Sheila Lauritsen, Marcia Gelman and Lori Noel.

Kathy Fradella and Lori Noel have not been confirmed as having appeared in other episodes although it is possible. Since the opening sequence would have been one of the first items to be shot, if they appeared at all, it would have been in the first or first few seasons. See for example the gallery of "The Chosen People" (Season 1). There is a brunette with Lieutenant Lyons (Bobbie Mitchell) in mess tent and that could be Kathy.

As for Lori Noel, according to her account of her M*A*S*H experience, she was given training in how to hand surgical instruments to the surgeon. This might suggest that she was used as an extra for some scenes in the O.R.

The "running nurses" scene in the opening sequence was actually part of a longer sequence. The part before it was actually used in "Sticky Wicket" (Season 1). This part shows the same five nurses running out of the nurses tent from right to left. They then turn and face the camera for the part that was used in the opening sequence. Looking closely at the first part, there's actually a 6th nurse who comes out of the tent ahead of Kathy but she's moving too fast to be identified. She doesn't make it into the frontal view used for the opening sequence.


  1., "NURSES OF THE 4077TH: THE RUNNING NURSES IN THE OPENING CREDITS". Retrieved 10 May 2020. url or archived url here.
  2., "Identity of Brunette in Opening Credits Revealed," January 22, 2009. Retrieved 10 May 2020. url or archived url here.
  3., "Kathy Denny Fradella Confirms She’s the Brunette in the Opening Credits," September 11, 2009. Retrieved 10 May 2020. url or archived url here